Sunday, November 14, 2010

08-10.11.10 Ilha Grande

 Ilha Grande on the Costa Verdi ('green coast' named after the colour of the sea, south of Rio). Took a 2hr bus ride from Rio to catch a very hard to find and very dodgy looking ferry from Angra dos Reis. The ferry took around 1.30hrs to get to Ilha Grande and cost a whopping £3.00. Met an English couple doing a similar thing to us. Matt & Harriet. Used each others useless non-Portugeuse to ask for help and find our way - didn't work - at all...

The erm..ferry port

The island is amazing. Picture the island in the TV series 'Lost' - Tropical paradise. Lush green forests and jungle with 900m peaks and white sands. Cars are prohibited, in fact there are no roads just tracks and walking trails from one end to the other. The people here are really friendly and the atmosphere is as laid back as it gets. Total contrast to Rio. Our bed for 3 nights was a little private chalet tucked away from Abraoo, the small port come fishing village cente.

Our bed for 3 nights. A far cry from Rio.

On day two we walked 3hrs to a remote beach called Lopez Mendes, Not before taking the wrong path and doing a 1hr detour - nothing changes! The jungle lined paths are amazing, really loud with the sound of god knows what animals. Weird smells too - We think it's rotting fruit.  Well worth the walk. The beaches are amazing and pretty deserted.

On the 3hr trail through the woods to the beach. It was so hot..
Lopez Mendes Beach. Even hotter.

On day two we walked past some ruins of a prison. The island once served as a prison to quarantine slave immigrants from europe and africa on their way to Brazil. An attempt to control the outbreak of chollera - Nice!  Past an ancient aquaduct enroute to the worlds biggest anti-climax of a waterfall. Roll on Iguazu Falls! Still at least we saw a few monkeys and iguanas on the way.

A not very impressive waterfall modelled here by Rach

Met a great Brazilian guy called Jose Agnaldo. He invited us round to his house in the morning for some Caipirinha's in the evening but when we turned up but he didn't have any limes - Not sure he had any rum either, or ice come to think of it...? He said he'd go to get some but the tropical heavens opened and it started raining Brazil style. We stayed for an hour or so to brush up our Portuguese. Our last night on Ilha Grande was spent trying to avoid the drips through the roof of the chalet. We've never seen rain like it. No point staying around the beach in the rain...

The whole of Ilha Grande looks like this

and this...

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